PASA Email Policy

PASA Through the Years . . .

If you are a PASA member, we need your current email address. Given the size of our club, we cannot afford the cost of postage and copying to postal-mail club announcements and information to all members on an individual basis. But it costs nothing to send club news by email.

We realize that in today’s world, many people are as cautious with their email addresses as they are with their social security numbers or credit card numbers.

So here is PASA Park’s IRONCLAD email policy:

  1. We do not forward emails.  We do not forward political messages.  WE do not forward “interesting items.”  We do not forward humor.  WE do not forward anything.
  1. We send emails ONLY about PASA Park events, schedules, activities, and items of direct relevance to PASA club affairs.
  1. We do not release members’ email addresses. To anybody. Ever!
  1. When we send general email announcements to the PASA membership, they are always sent “blind copy,” so no recipient’s email address can be seen by any other recipient.

Please send us your current email address. Please tell us if your email address changes. And please urge all your fellow members to supply their club with an email address.

Thanks, folks. The whole point is to communicate without further raising dues.